Window I made and implemented for a treasure hunting quest in the original game. Presentation photo of phone by CoinView App on Unsplash.
Window I made and implemented for an IAP-shop with different categories in the original game. Partly re-using previous elements of the treasure hunt book
'Hint' drawings I made (based on 3d unity scenes) for the treasure hunt quests.
Other Icons and UI elements I made for the original game.
Cannon blueprint to be put on a 3d treasure item in the original game.
Ship blueprint to be put on a 3d treasure item in the original game.
Sail blueprint to be put on a 3d treasure item in the original game.
Main Menu/ Pirate lair UI concept for the new Age of Pirates multiplayer game. Most of the icons were placeholders.
Skills menu overlay concept. Each skill was linked to a crewmember you would see on the left.
crewmember skilltree UI concept. Here you would unlock new skills by leveling your crew.
Ship customization UI, colors section. each ship (and its add-ons) would have three areas to assign a color to. Selecting the color slot and pressing a color allowed for a preview on the ship model. pressing it again would equip the color to that slot.
These are some UI designs and elements I made for the game Ships of Battle: Age of Pirates and UI concepts for a new multiplayer version of this game including adding responsiveness using the Unity GUIsystem. A lot of the original game's UI was already established but had been changed so many times it lacked in consistency which made it more of a challenge for me to make fitting UI. Slowly but surely I tried my best to push the game into a consistent style. With the new game I had some more freedom :)